Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Woke up today with a headache so I grabbed three Advil only to realize shortly after I had taken THREE Advil PM.  One PM anything taken before bedtime will put me in a fog until lunchtime the next day, so you can imagine how productive my day was today.  I had a doctor's appointment and hated to cancel at the last minute so I called a dear friend to see if she would mind "Driving Miss Debbie" to the doctor.  Thankfully it was a quick appointment and we had time to do a little shopping afterwards.  It is such a blessing in life to have those few friends you can call who might laugh with you when you do something stupid, but they love you and are ready to help in any way.  LESSON LEARNED...If you want to have a productive day...admit you need reading glasses and use them so you are not taking something you do not mean to! 

Got to meet Scott for dinner at O'Charley's and afterwards we stopped by the cemetery for a few minutes.  It is special to go and see where others have stopped by and left flowers or mementos there for Wes.  In a few days, it will have been two months since I have seen Wes and I think the state of shock I have been in has worn off and reality is setting in and I really miss everything about him...his presence, his humor, his smile, his voice and even the things he did that aggravated never picking up his clothes off the bathroom floor even though he had been taught better.  You always knew if you came back home whether Wes had been around or not, because he always left a path of destruction behind him...dirty socks, towels, food wrappers, coke cans.  Always assumed when he had a place of his own, it would be different and he would be very neat again, but it is hard to realize that we will never know.

Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, and He  brings them out of their distresses.  He calms the storm, so that its waves are still.  Psalm 107:28-29   

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello To Blog World

Hi Everyone!

This blog is a way to share my heart with others, those near and dear, and those who may come across this blog for one reason or another.  Our journey through this life has been a pretty crazy one, but a happy one for the most part.  We have had our fair share of good, bad, happy and sad, but doesn't every family?  At some point in all of our lives, we will have to face trials we would rather not have to endure, but my life song is that God is not as interested in our "comfort" as He is in our "growth" and we all know that when we are "weak", HE is "STRONG" and that is when we grow closer to the Lord!!  

I also want this to be a way to chronicle our activities as a family so that generations to come will be able to look back and see their heritage.  How I would have LOVED to have known more about my ancestors because I am as sentimental as they come!!  My prayer is that this blog will serve as a testimony for Christ as our Comforter and Healer of hearts and will hopefully encourage others who have a life full of love and loss!